Thursday, September 17, 2009

chapter 5 study guide

Sahara-worlds largest desert
Nile-worlds longest river
Egypt-N.E corner of africa,most magnificient empire
Mizram-name of hams sons
Land of Ham-egypt
Nomes-group of states
Pharaos-strong rulers
Menes-uited two states, 1st pharao of egypt
the gift of the nile-egypt
heiroglyphics-there writting style
boo of the dead-book of prayers and incantations placed in tombs
memphis-12 milses south of caairo
thebes-450 miles south of cairo
necropolis-city of the dead
pyrimid-represented the egyptian government and society
great pyrimid of cheops-khufu,wounder of the world
king tut-teen pharoah that died at 18
mummification-presevation of dead bodies
30 dynasties-dynasties from Menes till Alexander the great
old kingdom-greatest accomplishments of art and architecture
pyrimids of giza-three largest pyrimids
great sphinx-head of a man and body of a lion
middle kingdom-kng mentuhotep paved the way
pavedd way for middle kingdom
hyksos-rulers of forighn countries-shreperd kings, ruler of forighn countries
ahmose I-heban prince who founded the new kingdom

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