Friday, December 11, 2009

chapter 1 review

1) A.D-anno domini
2)evolution-does not believe in God
3)government-institution that has both power and authority
4)sovereign-God has supreme power
5)deluge-after tha flood
6)capital punnishment-death penaltty
7)post diluvian- ppost flood
8)Plain of Shinaar-lower mesopotamia
9)babel- babylon
10)humanism-worship of man
11)nation-large group of people who act as one
12)race-mankind didvided into large groups
13)indo-european-japhetic people language
1)incarnation,birth,life,death,resurrection,and ascention
4)Nimrod, rebel
5)building the city of Babel
6)summerians, Egyptians
7)Africa, Sumerian, Agean sea

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